Expression and purification of recombinant proteins in E. coli: biofermentor (BioFlo110), chromatographic purification through FLPC (Akta Prime)
Characterization of kinetics and thermodynamics parameters through biophysical techniques: circular dichroism, surface plasmon resonance, UV spectroscopy
Gene expression profiles by microarray and qPCR analyses
Molecular biology techniques: gene cloning, mutagenesis, enzymatic assays, plasmid manipulation, gene silencing techniques, EMSA, pulse-chase experiments
Biochemical techniques: Western blotting, SDS-PAGE, chromatography, ELISA
Cell biology techniques: cell cultures, cell viability and proliferation assays, generation of stable and inducible gene ki/kd cell lines
Gene studies: ChIP and RIP analyses
Proteomics and interactomics techniques: 2-DE analysIs, co-immunoprecipitation and GST-pull down
Confocal microscopy and molecular imaging: Immunofluorescence assays, Proximity Ligation Analysis (PLA), live confocal analysis.
Drug screening /development: alpha screen technology, li-cor technology
Organoids development from colon cancer