2014-2016 (€ 170.000) Base Excision Repair dysregulation and cancer: Ape1 as a therapeutic target.
2018-2022 (€ 454.000) Research grant AIRC #IG19862: Unveiling the role of Ape1 in regulating tumor cell resistance to chemotherapy through miRNAs processing in HCC and NSCL.
Co-PI: Prof. Gianluca Tell​​.
2016-2021 ($388,190) Research Grant R01 NIH, National Institutes of Health agency: National Cancer Institute Special Emphasis Panel: Ribose-seq profile and analysis of ribonucleotides in DNA of oxidatively-stressed and cancer cells.
PI: Prof. Francesca Storici, Georgia Technology Institute, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Co-PI: Prof. Gianluca Tell
2017-2019 (€ 205.450) Crossborder cooperation program Interreg V Italia Austria Bando 2016 funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the National Funds, implemented by the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, in quality of Managing Authority: PreCanMed: Generation of a Precision Cancer Medicine platform.
Co-PI: Prof. Gianluca Tell
2013-2015 (€ 240.000) Environmental Pollutants and Neurodegenerative Diseases: a multidisciplinary study based on research, training and innovation.